Avon Valley010

Welcome from Mrs Shelley Tuke, Headteacher

At Avon Valley Academy, our vision is to prepare our young people for their world in their time, so that they can embark on their journey beyond school with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed in their chosen pathway.  

As a school, we are very proud of our three core values, which are woven through everything that we do: 

Respect: being kind and caring for ourselves and others  

Determination: working hard and never giving up  

Excellence: ensuring everything we do is our best work 

As a small secondary school, we cultivate a ‘family feel’ and sense of belonging amongst our students, and believe that nurture is essential for academic, personal and social success.  We are an inclusive community, which welcomes and celebrates students of all backgrounds and starting points, and which promotes diversity and fairness.  

As well as cherishing and supporting our students, we believe in challenging them to achieve excellence in everything that they do.  We have the highest expectations of behaviour, and pledge that every classroom in our school will be a disruption-free learning environment.  Similarly, we have aspirational academic goals for every student, and do not believe in placing a ceiling on what any young person can achieve. 

At Avon Valley, we recognise the importance of building young people’s character as well as their academic success.  We run a wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs, and aim to enhance and deepen our students’ learning experiences with educational and cultural visits. Our excellent Careers advice and strong links with employers and other educational providers mean that we are able to prepare our students fully for their next steps beyond Avon Valley. We offer Sixth Form opportunities within the Trust, and plan to reinstate our post-16 provision on site as soon as possible.   

Importantly, we are a proud member of the wider Acorn Education Trust family. Acorn is a morally driven local Trust that understands its local Wiltshire context and works hard to prepare its young people for a successful future in a rapidly changing world. At Avon Valley, we collaborate with other Acorn leaders and schools to ensure that your child is able to benefit fully from being part of this successful, innovative and ethical organisation.  

Although we run fantastic Open Events, we also believe in having an open-door policy all year round; if you would like to see our vision and values in action, therefore, please do make an appointment to tour the school.   

I look forward to welcoming you to the special place that is Avon Valley Academy. 

Mrs Shelley Tuke, Headteacher 

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