
Consolidating Curriculum Knowledge

Why do we do it?

Homework is important because it enables students to:

  • Continue learning outside of the classroom
  • Consolidate newly acquired knowledge, revise prior learning and practise skills
  • Develop the self-discipline, perseverance, and confidence to study independently
  • Involve parents/carers in their learning.

Homework at Avon Valley Academy is designed so that our students over time commit their learning to long term memory and have the skills to retrieve this knowledge when needed. This could be day to day in the classroom or to facilitate achievement during assessments.

KS3 Homework guidance and monitoring information

At KS3 every student will have a homework timetable.  The expectation is that each student should spend 40 minutes each school night completing tasks which consolidate the learning in school.  Most tasks will be set on online platforms which give immediate feedback and help the students if they do not know how to complete the task.  We also produce knowledge organisers each term which include the key unmissable content for each subject.  These can be accessed on the links below.  They can help with homework and can also be used if students have been absent or when students want to revise the content they have studied. 

How will teachers check that homework has been completed?

Teachers are expected to, check completion through knowledge recall questions, checking for understanding and questioning during lessons.  Teachers will also access the online platforms to ensure that homework has been completed to a good standard.


KS4 Homework guidance and monitoring information

The current homework policy for students in year 10 and 11 is that homework is set fortnightly.  Examples include redoing or improving work, exam-based practise, or pre-reading for the next week. Students will have a week in which to complete the work before handing it in.  The expectation is that students will have 60 minutes of homework per subject per fortnight.  This rises to 90 minutes in year 11.

Please click on the link below to access each organiser:






